The current situation of global emergency as a result of the health and socioeconomic crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is making migrant and refugees live conditions even harder, not to speak about their future chances to fulfill their attempt to access the Eu after the border lockdown and the hardening of migratory policies. Within this environment, MIGRIMAGE is based on the recommendations generated by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI General Policy Recommendation No. 15 on combating Hate Speech), where it is detected that the misconceptions and erroneous information that constitute the basis of the hate speech, and highlights the role of education in undermining these discurses, facilitating and exemplifying intercultural dialogue and combating misinformation, negative stereotypes and stigmatization.

MIGRIMAGE: Images of Migration on the Southern Border is a project funded by the Erasmus+ programme, Key Action 2 “Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices”, in the field of Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education. The project has a duration of 24 months, from 01-10-2020 to 30-09-2020. The total grant of the project is 289,247.00 euros.

MIGRIMAGE is led by the UGR and involves a team of 3 universities – University of Granada (Granada, Ceuta and Melilla; Spain), University of Salento (Lecce; Italy) and University of the Aegean Sea (Lesvos, Greece) – and 3 NGOs – Asociación Solidaria de Desarrollo, ASAD (Spain), ARCI Lecce Societa’ Cooperativa Sociale (Italy) and Lesvos Solidarity (Greece).

MIGRIMAGE proposes to develop a postgraduate educational programme (inter-university master’s degree) on Border Studies and Communication. This master will be jointly designed between the disciplines of communication studies through new media and transmedia, comparative studies in imagology, sociology and human geography of migration, border contexts and social activism through the communication of rights. The programme will be developed during the project, supported by a pilot laboratory in face-to-face seminars, a Mooc, as well as the design and development of a Webdoc (interactive documentary and transmedia communication platform), laying the foundations for an international and collaborative observatory of citizen communication on migration.

The project, coordinated by UGR professor Domingo Sánchez-Mesa Martínez. The autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla (with two UGR campuses), southeast Italy and the island of Lesvos in Greece, are the places where it is proposed to develop the internship programme of the master’s degree, combining the academic training provided at universities with field experience in regions where the migratory situation is showing its most urgent and critical face in the Mediterranean.

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