University of Granada

The University of Granada ( is a public institution of higher education and is committed not only to quality and excellence in education, learning and research, but also to activities aimed at the transfer of scientific, technical and artistic knowledge to society, the improvement of society and a sustainable environment. As a modern university with a long tradition, the UGR strives to improve and increase the scope and promotion of strong links with its local and regional context. Respect for the dignity of individuals, freedom of thought and expression, justice, equality, solidarity and the eradication of discrimination are among the main values of the UGR. Due to its long tradition, geographical location and high standards, both in teaching and research, the UGR considers internationalization as one of its strategic objectives. Within the research structure of the UGR, this project, through the figure of its director Domingo Sánchez-Mesa, will involve a team of researchers with extensive experience both in the study of the imagology of migrations (part of comparative media studies that deals with the representation of identities in cultural discourses and texts) and the emergence of new narratives distributed through different media or transmedia narratives. The I+D project Nar-Trans2, “Transmedialisation and Crowdsourcing in Audiovisual, Journalistic, Dramatic and Literary Fiction and Non-fiction Narratives” (ref. no. CSO2017-85962) is the first project of the Nar-Trans project. CSO2017-85965-P) of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia, 2017), a continuation of Nar-Trans1 (2014-2018) brings together researchers in Humanities (comparative literature), Audiovisual Communication and Journalism from the UGR and 6 other Spanish and European universities, constituting one of the most innovative groups in this emerging domain of contemporary communication through new media. The background and experience of this group in the analysis and creation of transmedia narratives will be joined by the postgraduate training environment of the Official Master’s Degree in New Interactive Media and Multimedia Journalism. The group of researchers and agents that make up the UGR team belong to the Departments of General Linguistics and Theory of Literature, Communication and Information, Didactics and School Organisation (Melilla Campus) and Didactics of Language and Literature (Ceuta Campus).